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Who we are

Agility and quality as a way of thinking and doing things. SITES' product development processes are based on agile practices that fully empower employees to deliver not just features but also unique experiences to the customers. Short feedback loops have allowed SITES to be responsive to business changes.


As part of our track record, we have provided technology management and information security services to:

  • department stores,

  • specialty stores,

  • distribution centers,

  • e-commerce,

  • credit card companies,

  • savings and loan association,

  • customer financing,

  • service centers,

  • franchises,

  • electronic invoicing,

  • omni-channel,

  • real estate and

  • smart buildings.


We have the capacity to meet the demands of physical facilities management, enterprise servers, public cloud, data and voice networks, network and systems security, storage and backup systems in magnetic media, disk and cloud, and user solutions.


Regarding the management of mission-critical infrastructure, we manage the operations and security of information at the level of 24 international perimeters, 4 public cloud services (OCI, Google, Azure and O365), 2 computer centers located in San Salvador and Miami with equipment of different architecture (Intel, Power, Sparc) and storage and backup systems supporting more than 3 petabytes of online data, a global BGP network of 2,000 MPLS links, 50 perimeter and application firewalls (public cloud, computing centers, offices, sales branches and service centers) and a user network, with physical and wireless access, for more than 15,000 employees with concurrent access.

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